Friday, July 2, 2010

Getaway Blog- Last Day

Getaway is quickly coming to an end.  Our dorms are clean and the students are doing the last camp quiet time.  In a few moments the band will lead them for one final time in worship and pastor Jeff will close out camp.  Last night our students were challenged to continue in holiness.  Students who had never publicly professed faith in Christ were challenged to stand and do so at the end of the service.  Several students stood and professed Christ for the first time!  Our students enjoyed their last night a free time and have had a great camp.

I'll give my take on our camp experience in a few days.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getaway Blog- Day 3b & 4a

Our student had a great time last night and this morning despite the rain that rolled in late last night and has continued, on and off, this morning.  After free time and prayer gatherings our students were led in an amazing time of worship and then pastor Jeff got to the heart of what he has been leading to all week.  His message was clear, we, as believers, are to live holy lives.  His message challenged many in the room to kneel and repent during the second half of the service.  For the conclusion of the service Chad led the students to read scripture out loud.  This was an awesome experience as student after student stood and read passages that had been speaking to their hearts.  The night ended with the last Late Nite of the week with the boys winning the week's game count.

This morning our students were again greeted by our soccer hooligans and watched the third installment of the intern video.  The it was finally my (Ryan) turn to preach.  I concluded our walk through Isaiah chapter 6 with a challenge for our students to answer God's call to "go".  The students are currently in small groups (high school), studying the final Bible study out of the book of Daniel, and in recreation (middle school) doing a scavenger hunt that has taken them all over campus and the beach.  More later...